Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cookie Jar

it was you, it was me, it was every man
weve all got the blood on our hands
we only receive what we demand
and if we want hell then hells what well have

Give it up for Jack Johnson everybody.
A man that's trying to clear the fog of confusion about this world that has gone too far.

In this song, cookie jar, he talks about how nobody wants to take the blame for any of the messed up things in this world that were obviously started by the evil nature of man.

(Trust me people, if you honestly believe that you are a good person, you are sorely mistaken in all sense of the word)

And Jack is right in that last line, we all complain about the hell that we live in but that's what we demand. We ask why there is so much hate in the world and how countries can't get along and just love one another. Well let's break this down into the indivudual people of a country.
Do you love everyone? have you ever done someone wrong? or gotten angry at something? been in a fight, had even an evil thought about someone that you didnt get along with?
well there you go, you have found the problem to all of the hate in the world.


It all comes back to the indivdual person and how imperfect we are. This is an imperfect world and we have to learn to deal with that. We are never going to have world peace. i know this. because you cannot stop people from thinking and plotting evil things against one another. Even

if you rallied and gathered the people of the world and said, "let's be nice for one day!" it would be impossible. People cannot live up to that. something will happen that day that will upset someone. make them angry.
Many of us get angry for no reason. dont like certain people. When asked what about that person that we dont like...we cant find a purpose. except that we know that we have that hate and we want to add wood to the fire anyway we can.

Oh how the mighty have fallen! Step down from your pedistal men and women!
we are all evil people. some more so than others.

There is a hope though my fellow humans.
i'll explain myself at a later time.

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